@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011737, author = {二羽, 和彦}, issue = {1}, journal = {中央ロー・ジャーナル}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, Some scholars believe a confession necessarily results in the loss of a case, based on a 1933 decision of the Daishinin, the predecessor to today’s Supreme Court. From the perspective of today, however, this judgment was inappropriate. Professor Kaneko expressed the opinion that it was correct, and his followers have continued to do so. However, this simply means that its validity has been assumed without being called into question. Consequently, I think it is wrong to treat this judgment as a precedent.}, pages = {3--41}, title = {裁判上の自白における不利益要件について―大判昭和8・2・9民集12巻397頁は敗訴可能性説の根拠となりうるか―}, volume = {15}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ニワ, カズヒコ} }