@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013949, author = {HATTORI, Ryuji}, journal = {総合政策研究, Japanese Journal of Policy and Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The author recently published a book, Japan at War and Peace: Shidehara Kijūrō and the Making of Modern Diplomacy (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2021). It is open-access in multiple formats at the URL https://press.anu.edu.au/publications/japan-war-and-peace. This book is based on Ryuji Hattori, Zōhoban Shidehara Kijūrō: Gaikō to Minshushugi [Shidehara Kijūrō: Diplomacy and Democracy, enlarged edition] (Tokyo: Yoshida Shoten, 2017). The English version was updated with a new introduction and other information. However, due to the word limit, the bibliography was omitted. Therefore, this paper provides that bibliography for the benefit of its readers.}, pages = {79--120}, title = {A Bibliography of Ryuji Hattori, Japan at War and Peace:Shidehara Kijūrō and the Making of Modern Diplomacy(Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2021)}, volume = {30}, year = {2022} }