@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016110, author = {中野, 純司}, journal = {国際経営学論纂, Journal of Global Management}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, AI and data science( AIDS) will be taught to all university students in Japan. Especially in our department, several courses for AIDS are opened. The main reason is that AIDS technologies are and will be used in all aspects of human life deeply, and we will have to know their advantages and disadvantages to use them appropriately. Another important reason is that AI may have an intellectual ability which exceeds that of human beings. This may cause a possibility that future AI will be the first strong rival to human beings in the race for survival. This article considers these topics from broad views such as the history of science and technology and AIDS, survival instinct of a living being, and states the personal opinion of the author.}, pages = {173--184}, title = {なぜAI・データサイエンスを学ばなければならないのか}, volume = {1}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ナカノ, ジュンジ} }