@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016728, author = {泉, 克幸}, issue = {4}, journal = {中央ロー・ジャーナル, Chuo Law Journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This article discusses an appropriate range of computer program copyright protection from the perspective of interoperabiliity. In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court held that Google’s copying of Java API (application programming interface) for reimplementation was fair use. Part 1 of this article clarifies how the software interface that realizes interoperability has been judged in American case law, what API is, and the procedural history of this case. Part 2 details the Supreme Court's decision on fair use. Part 3 analyzes the decision and clarifies the importance of interoperability. The author concludes that allowing the use of APIs that achieve interoperability is also necessary in Japan, and he proposes specific methods for doing this.}, pages = {3--45}, title = {プログラムにおける相互運用性の意義と著作権の保護範囲―Google対Oracle事件米国最高裁判決を素材に}, volume = {18}, year = {2022}, yomi = {イズミ, カツユキ} }