@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016861, author = {李, 熒娘}, journal = {中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, This paper considers the acceptance of home-use sewing machine in Korea during its opening period between 1876 and 1910. The first user is Kim Yong-Won, who is called as "Civilization Pioneer" (Kaika no Koushi). Searching for the exact date of his first use, this paper investigates his footsteps of visiting Japan. In addition, analyzing the emergence of sewing machine dealers, the complexion of girlsʼ high schools and clothiers which were the main users of sewing machines and the process and characteristics of Singer sewing machine in Korea, this paper reveals a specific aspect of Korea society in the era.}, pages = {53--66}, title = {開港期朝鮮におけるミシンの導入}, volume = {25}, year = {2022}, yomi = {イ, ヒョンナン} }