@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016868, author = {鄭, 玹汀}, journal = {中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, In 1908, Kinoshita Naoe published the magazine Shin Seikatsu (New Life) with the help of two young men, Miyashi Tomojiro and Nebashi Kamenosuke. Meeting with these kindred spirits inspired him to join forces and publish the journal. To date, there has not been sufficient research on his writing for Shin Seikatsu, which contains one third of all of Kinoshitaʼs writings in published journals. In Shin Seikatsu, Kinoshita articulates his thoughts on society and give us a sharper and closer understanding of his social theories, at a time when he was not actively involved in social movements. I explore Kinoshitaʼs views on criticism of the state, his ideas on social movements, criticism of the Japanese colonization of Korea, and his advocacy of nonresistance and rejection of military conscription.}, pages = {167--189}, title = {木下尚江における社会思想の深化―雑誌『新生活』掲載文を中心に―}, volume = {25}, year = {2022}, yomi = {チャン, ヒョンジョン} }