@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016887, author = {新原, 道信}, journal = {中央大社会科学研究所年報}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, How do we create the “wisdom of coexistence (saggezza di convivenza)” that are responding for/to the multiple problems on the planet Earth? How do we create the “wisdom” that allows us to experience the planet Earth as a composite “sea” and society as “islands” floating in it? How we are perceiving/sensing/becoming aware and responding/sympathizing/resonating to the to the “screams of dissonance (le grida disfoniche)” of the Earth, of other creatures, of other human beings, simultaneously and continuously, breaking the apparent “harmony” and “stability”? How is it possible to “being there by accident at the nascent moments in which critical events take place”? Can the imagination/creativity of Exploring Fieldwork in the Planetary Society respond for/to this challenge? What are the conditions for that? What conditions are needed for Exploring Fieldwork to grasp the planetary society? But now we are facing a proliferation of ‘barrier’ and Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19). It is necessary to rethink the Planetary Society that enabled Fieldwork toward the borderland/and the way of being researchers there. What will be the “field” to explore for the “planetary society” with “the global field and its physical boundary”, especially for difficult “solving” problems such as the ‘proliferation of barrier’ and ‘pandemics’? How can we explore fieldwork that redefines, reconfigures and recompose the ‘field’ itself? This article evolved from a research project called “Sociological Explorations on the Comparatology of nascent moments/processes responding for/to the multiple problems in the planetary society” which is a part of the European Research Network’s activities at the Institute of Social Sciences, Chuo University. The project is based on the idea that exploring, against the tide of the disposition to dissociate/disengage oneself from what is happening, “Co-creating the Communities and Co-becoming communally for the Sustainable Ways of Being” is urgent and crucial for the 21st century planetary society, in which the multiple problems concerning exclusion and inclusion are increasingly frequent. Throughout the project, we are exploring unsymmetrically, contrapuntally and poly/dis-phonically on the planet Earth and on perceiving and responding for/to the multiple problems of the planetary society. The article reflects on the developed from dialogue with Alberto Melucci, Alberto Merler, Andrea Vargiu, Anna Fabbrini-Melucci.}, pages = {31--57}, title = {フィールドワークの“想像/創造力”―惑星社会の諸問題に応答する“うごきの比較学”(3)―}, volume = {26}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ニイハラ, ミチノブ} }