@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016917, author = {安藤, 香織}, journal = {英語英米文学}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this study is to investigate how Japanese university students view English pronunciation and how they have practiced pronunciation mainly outside classroom. The results are analyzed based on their English proficiency in order to see if there is any difference in their views and their self-practice methods. The data come from two groups, students with low English proficiency and students with intermediate English proficiency. A total of 111 university students were given an online questionnaire containing 5 questions (5-point Likert scale) and one sub question (multiple choice).The results show that the students, regardless of their English proficiency, value acquiring good pronunciation and believe learners should aim for native English pronunciation. Overall, 96.4% of the respondents acknowledge the importance of acquiring good pronunciation. 88.3% of the respondents believe that students should aim for native English pronunciation. As regards self-practice methods, some methods were reported as effective by both groups. “Listening to authentic English” was the most popular method and 84.6% of the intermediate proficiency group and 74.6% of the low proficiency group reported it helped them improve their pronunciation. Some methods were favored more by the students with intermediate proficiency. While 75% of the intermediate group found “imitating authentic English speech” has improved their English pronunciation, none of the lower group agreed. “Having contacts with native English speaker” is another such an example. 55.8% of the intermediate students report it helped them improve their English pronunciation; however, only 28.8% of the low English proficiency group report the benefit.}, pages = {49--64}, title = {英語習熟度による発音に対する意識の違い}, volume = {62}, year = {2022}, yomi = {アンドウ, カオリ} }