@article{oai:chuo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018041, author = {沈, 圓 and 松野, 良一}, journal = {国際情報学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Numerous surveys have revealed that the Taiwanese have a strong sense of affinity with Japan.However,although there are studies targeting people in their thirties and older,there are no studies targeting people in their twenties today.Therefore,this study aimed to clarify the factors that positively affect the image of Japan held by the Taiwanese in their twenties.This study consists of Study 1 and Study 2.Study 1 clarified how four factors,that is "family environment," "Japanese culture," "history education," and "image of China," foster positive images of Japan,using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.The results showed that the four factors are correlated with the formation of a positive image of Japan among the subjects.Additionally,it became clear that the three factors of "family environment","Japanese culture," and "image of China"have a causal relationship with the formation of a positive image of Japan.In Study 2,we interviewed eight Taiwanese in their twenties who had a positive impression of Japan.Based on the collected data,we conducted a qualitative analysis of the factors that most strongly influenced the subject's positive image of Japan,and how the above four factors were related to this formation.As a result,the following facts were clarified.First,Japanese pop culture such as anime and games had a great influence.Second,the influence of history education was weak.Third,the subjects formed a positive image of Japan under the influence of their family's daily activities,such as watching Japanese TV programs,using Japanese products,and using the Japanese language.Fourth,the subjects in their twenties judged their favorite Japanese towns based on their own experiences of visiting Japan and created their own unique perception of Japan.}, pages = {109--133}, title = {台湾の20 代が持つ対日イメージ : 肯定性の要因に着目して}, volume = {3}, year = {2023}, yomi = {シン, エン and マツノ, リョウイチ} }